There are (at least) three ways to shallow copy a TreeSet in Java: the copy constructor, addAll(), and clone(). A piece of code I’m running needs to copy a few fairly big TreeSets, so I was interested to see if there were any performance differences. It turns out that there are. So, we’re generating 5 […]
Read More…Author: oldchap
Joomla columns
I’m currently migrating the NESYFC website’s content management system from the now-very-out-of-date Joomla 1.5 to 2.5, with the aim of going for 3.x soon enough. (actually, once the hosts upgrade their PHP version to the one needed for 3.x) So far it’s been going smoothly enough, with a few small wrinkles. IĀ used SPUpgradeĀ to migrate the […]
Read More…Mosaic images with Metapixel
In our living room is a lovely picture of Naomi which I got Jay for Christmas a couple of years ago. It’s a mosaic of all the pictures we had of her until she was about 10 months old, combined into a larger version of one of them. Here it is: it’s about 40x30cm in […]
Read More…Excel – absolute minimum value
I’m meddling about with some stuff in excel just now (spit), and one of the things I wanted was to find the number in a set with the minimum absolute value. That is, the value closest to zero, whether negative or positive. In 3,5,7 this would be 3, in -3,-2,5,6 it would be -2. It’s […]
Read More…CULA – work in progress
A big chunk of my research work – including my phd – has been development of the Markov fitness model (MFM). In short, this is a probabilistic model of the fitness function in an evolutionary algorithm. Originally this was used in an estimation of distribution algorithm for generating new solutions. More recently, I’ve looked at […]
Read More…Speed tests
One of the things I was a little concerned about regarding our recent move was that we’d no longer be in a cabled area. We’d been rather enjoying the rock-solid performance of cable, in comparison to the unpredictable nature of ADSL2+. Here’s what we were getting in Loughborough on cable: Not to worry really. It […]
Read More…Epson C1100N, Ubuntu 12.04, and AppArmor
What a pain that was! Some months ago I decided to upgrade my Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx to the 12.04 Precise Pangolin. I while back I made the decision to only do upgrades to the LTS (long term support versions) as I realised that far too much of my life was spent “fixing” upgrades. It […]
Read More…Condor and EnergyPlus on a small cluster
I thought a good way to open the blog would be a post on some work I’ve done as part of my research at Loughborough. Hopefully this will be of some use to others running building energy simulations (and likely other CPU intensive jobs); I at least will be using it as a record of […]
Read More…Hello world!
What else would I open a vaguely technically-oriented blog with?
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